Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Clean the bottom...the babies bottom

I’ve been wanting to incorporate a mommy blog in my blog some how so I figured the best would be what to use to wipe the messiest of messes!
Name: Pampers Sensitive Thick Wipes
Use: Baby messes as well as adults
Where to buy: Drug Stores,Target,WalMart
Cost:$ 12.00-13.00 depending on where you go.
My daughter was born with eczema and very sensitive skin, with both those it was very hard to find products that wouldn’t break her out, or cause her to have a reaction to something.
I finally found these “Pampers sensitive thick wipes” I guess I won’t have to explain how their thick and for sensitive skin right?! Well, here’s no scent what so ever which is great because it’s the perfume in products especially in our personal areas that cause irritation so why treat a baby’s bottom any different?  I use 1 wipe for wet and depending on how big the mess I can actually get by using 2 for a soiled which is awesome because a lot of people I know like to basically wrap their hands in wipes to just change a diaper-Armatures, they crack me up!
These also come in handy for those messy sticky times when out and about-before I go into a store I will put a package of wipes in my purse( along with one diaper) in case of a mess emergency and I’m good to go!
So if your looking for wipes for sensitive skin or just wipes to have at hand these I would highly recommend be your go to product!
Thanks for reading beauties!

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