Saturday, January 7, 2012

Eye makeup remover anyone?

I’m in absolute love with this Body Shop eye makeup remover that I stumbled across when I use to work there over the holidays. Women would come in all the time looking for something they can use that 1. wouldn’t burn their eyes out, and 2.they didn’t have to rub their eye area to get their eye make up off. I swore and still swear by this stuff first of all for the burning your eyes out this wont at all even if you pour it in your eye it won’t- don’t try this at home I only know this because I accidentally put too much on my cotton ball and yah. So for the not having to rub around your eye as we know is a big NO NO since it’s the most sensitive and “brittle “part of your face I say.

This even comes in waterproof makeup remover as well but with the non waterproof it’s still as easy as pour,wipe and done. I believe this runs for $14.00 this does not have a scent either just heaven in a bottle for us that look like raccoons the next morning.The good thing about the body shop they do not test on animals and their an organic store..doesn’t get better than that I LOVED working there and the products are great hands down.


Now that blue little package you see is Targets own brand UP & UP. I use this as a eye makeup remover mostly but on those lazy nights that I have to take my makeup off I use this. 1 towel will remove all the makeup ( I have other steps like moisturizing and using toner as well ) The thing I can say I don’t like about these, is when I just want to remove my eye makeup I have to use 1 whole sheet the sheets are as big as a Kleenex  so sometimes because I hate being wasteful I will use one side, fold it up and save it for later then which is eventually the next day I use it for my whole face. This has a lavender scent to it and actually leaves your face very soft. I believe this went for $5.99 which isn’t bad for a pack of 30 wipes.

I’m that girl..that bad girl that doesn’t take her makeup off every night aka LAZY but I’m also a face freak so these are my cheats to after a long night being able to get that makeup off your face and then hitting the pillow! Smile
Thanks for reading beauties XoXo